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Is a Debt Consolidation Loan Different from Debt Consolidation?

In the realm of personal finance, few topics cause as much confusion as the concept of debt consolidation. The mere mention of these two words often conjures up images of finally streamlining those pesky credit card balances and loan payments into one convenient package. However, many individuals fail to grasp the subtle yet crucial difference between the overarching strategy of debt consolidation and the specific tool known as a debt consolidation loan.

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Is a Debt Consolidation Loan Different from Debt Consolidation?

Can Debt Collectors Sue You?

For many individuals struggling with overwhelming debt, the constant barrage of collection calls and letters can be a source of immense stress and anxiety. However, in some cases, debt collectors may escalate their efforts by initiating legal action through the court system. This process, known as a debt collection lawsuit, can feel like adding insult to injury and can have serious consequences if left unaddressed.

So, what are your options if you find yourself facing a debt collection lawsuit? Let’s explore the circumstances under which debt collectors may choose to sue, your rights as a consumer, and the steps you can take to protect yourself and navigate this challenging situation.

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Can Debt Collectors Sue You?

Can a Debt Collector Garnish Your Wages?

As if dealing with debt isn’t bad enough, the prospect of wage garnishment can be a source of additional anxiety for anyone struggling with their finances. However, by understanding the laws and protections surrounding wage garnishment, you can navigate your debt challenges with clarity and peace of mind.

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Debt Collector Wage Garnishment

Are Children Responsible for Their Parents’ Debt?

What happens if your finances are in great shape but your parents have mounting debt? Are you responsible for paying it off after they pass on? For many individuals, this is a pressing concern. Fortunately, you might be relieved to know that in most cases, children are not legally responsible for any debt their parents incurred during their lifetime. That said, there are some circumstances that could make a child legally liable for their parents’ debt. Let’s explain this in more detail…

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Stack Of Overdue Bills Debt

How to Pay Off Your Credit Card Debt (No, Really)

Credit card debt is an all-too common challenge faced by millions of people around the world. In fact, the amount of credit card debt in the U.S. alone has recently reach record-breaking levels. It can seem like an insurmountable obstacle, with high interest rates, minimum payments that barely make a dent, and the ever-present temptation to overspend. However, with the right strategies and a steadfast commitment, it is possible to break free from the shackles of credit card debt and reclaim your financial freedom.

Whether you're just starting to tackle your credit card balances or have been struggling with them for years, this article will provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to take control of your finances and achieve your debt-free goals…

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Couple who just paid off debt

How to Negotiate with Debt Collectors

Managing debt is already enough of a challenge, but dealing with debt collectors can make it a truly daunting experience. This is why it’s essential to know best practices when negotiating with collectors so that you can approach these conversations with confidence. Let’s explore some effective strategies for these negotiations, including dos and don'ts to keep in mind, and other helpful advice to empower you to take control of your financial situation

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debt negotiation

Does Home Insurance Cover Window Replacement?

As a homeowner, it's important to understand the ins and outs of your home insurance policy. One common question that often comes up is whether or not home insurance covers window replacement. In this article, we'll explore the key components of a home insurance policy, common misconceptions about home insurance, and how it relates to window replacement. We'll also dive into the factors that can affect insurance coverage for window replacement and provide tips on how to file a claim. So, let's get started!

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man inspecting broken home window

When Should I Start Taking Money Out of My Annuity?

An annuity is a financial product that provides a stream of income payments over a specified period, typically used for retirement savings. While annuities are designed to provide long-term financial security, there are situations where individuals may need to withdraw money from their annuity earlier than planned.

If you’re receiving an annuity and are considering doing this, it’s crucial to understand the requirements involved in making a withdrawal, and the pros and cons associated with doing so.

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Man breaking piggy bank

Are Insurance Settlements Taxable?

Insurance settlements provide financial relief to individuals in the event of unforeseen events such as accidents, natural disasters, or loss of property. However, many recipients of these settlements wonder whether these payouts are subject to taxation.

If you find yourself receiving an insurance settlement, it’s crucial to understand the tax implications, including which types of settlements are taxable, which are tax-free, and other important considerations.

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Confused man

Can I Still Use My Credit Card after Debt Consolidation?

In the journey towards financial freedom, debt consolidation can be a powerful tool for managing multiple debts and streamlining repayment. However, many individuals wonder whether they can continue using their credit cards after consolidating their debts.

As is usually the case when it comes to financial decisions, much of the answer here depends on individual circumstances. It’s important to contextualize the implications of using credit cards post-debt consolidation, as well as understand both the advantages and disadvantages involved with doing so.

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man with phone and credit card

A Strategic Approach to Maximizing Your Tax Refund

Spring is finally in the air, which means tax season is officially upon us. While most Americans begrudge the process, there’s a potential silver lining to this annual chore. Tax season offers a unique opportunity for individuals looking to make significant strides in paying off their credit card debt, or in the spirit of spring cleaning, making costly home renovations they’ve been putting off.

Instead of viewing your tax refund as a windfall to be spent impulsively, consider harnessing its power for making productive, and lasting, changes to your finances and home…

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papers and one is a tax refund

How to Get a Loan with a High Debt-to-Income Ratio

Securing a loan when you already have a high debt-to-income ratio (DTI) can be challenging, but it's not impossible. Whether you're looking to consolidate existing debt, fund a major purchase, or cover unexpected expenses, understanding how to navigate the lending landscape with a high DTI is essential.

Let’s explore strategies and solutions to help you obtain a loan even with a high debt burden…

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loan with high dti image

Can Being a Cosigner Affect Your Debt-to-Income Ratio?

When considering financial responsibilities, being a cosigner is a significant commitment. It entails vouching for someone else's creditworthiness and agreeing to cover their payments if they falter. One pressing question for cosigners is how this role affects their own financial situation, specifically when it comes to their debt-to-income ratio (DTI). 

Let’s explore the intricacies of DTI, the implications of cosigning on loans, and the potential financial impact for those who choose to stand as guarantors…

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illustration of man holding scale that's weighing debt to income ratio

Make Debt Resolution Your New Year’s Resolution

The start of a new year marks a clean slate for setting, and achieving, future goals. However, with record-breaking credit card debt closing out 2023, many Americans find their slates a little less clean as they would like. Compounded by high interest rates and inflation, it may feel like there’s no way – or point – to making any New Year’s resolutions for 2024.

That is, unless you decide to make debt resolution your New Year’s resolution. If you’re finally ready to stop living under the looming shadow of credit card debt, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s go over a few tips and methods you can implement to move your financial needle in the right direction in the New Year… and stay there.

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Make Debt Resolution Your New Year’s Resolution

How Much Debt is Worth Filing for Bankruptcy?

In the intricate world of personal finance, the question of how much debt is appropriate before considering bankruptcy is both complex and subjective. The decision to file for bankruptcy is a significant one, with profound implications for an individual's financial future.

In this blog, we’ll give a brief overview of scenarios where filing for bankruptcy might be a prudent choice, and situations where alternative paths should be considered…

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How Much Debt is Worth Filing for Bankruptcy?

How Does Debt Consolidation Affect Buying a Home?

Buying a home is one of the most exciting milestones in anyone’s life. However, if you're carrying a significant amount of debt, it's important to understand how debt consolidation can impact the home buying process.

In this article, we will go over the concept of debt consolidation, its impact on home buying, and the pros and cons associated with it. We'll also explore various debt consolidation methods and provide tips on successfully managing debt consolidation while pursuing your dream of homeownership.

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How Does Debt Consolidation Affect Buying a Home?

Record-Breaking Debt Rings in the Holidays

For many Americans, the 2023 holiday season is a cause for celebration and also stress. With record-breaking credit card debt surpassing $1 trillion for the first time, it may feel like a lot of consumers are getting lumps of coal in their stockings this year.

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Record-Breaking Debt Rings in the Holidays

Debt Consolidation Loan Options with Bad Credit

Are you struggling with mounting debts and a less-than-stellar credit score? Don't worry, you're not alone. In fact, Americans now owe $1.08 trillion on their credit cards, according to a new report on household debt from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The good news is that there are debt consolidation loan options available even if you have bad credit…

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man with bad credit looking for debt consolidation options

How to Get a Debt Lawsuit Dismissed

As if being in debt weren’t bad enough, facing a debt lawsuit can be a daunting experience. About 15% of Americans said they had been sued by a debt collector, according to a report by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Thankfully, you have legal rights and options to defend yourself should you end up in this situation. In this blog, we’ll go over some of the most effective strategies to have your debt lawsuit dismissed.

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Judge Dismissing Debt Lawsuit

Can You Inherit Debt?

Inheriting wealth or assets from a loved one can be a mixed blessing. While it can bring financial stability and security, there's often a nagging question at the back of one's mind: can you inherit their debt? The short answer is yes, it's possible to inherit debt, but the circumstances and extent of this responsibility vary greatly. Let's break down the different scenarios where inheriting debt may occur, and steps you should take if you feel you are wrongly pursued for said debt

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Book of Debt Inheritance Laws

Are Annuities a Safe Investment?

If you're looking for a dependable way to guarantee yourself a regular income over a long span of time, you might be thinking about investing in annuities… but how much do you REALLY know about them? Before you make any life-altering decisions, let’s explore what annuities can (and cannot) do for you.

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man and woman looking into annuity options

Managing debt-related stress and anxiety

It should come as no surprise that according to Bankrate / AIMS Public Health, 48% of individuals with debt are more likely to experience symptoms of depression, stress, and anxiety. That means, on any given day, millions of Americans are struggling with both financial and mental wellness. So, how can you manage your mental wellness in order to manage your financial wellness?

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Stressed woman trying to understand her debt

Are Annuities a Good Investment?

You’ve undoubtedly heard it again and again. From articles and TV commercials to friends and family, plenty of folks are talking about the benefits of investing in annuities to guarantee yourself a steady income in your Golden Years… but are they a good choice for you?

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Coins growing plant

How to Negotiate a Cash Settlement With an Insurance Company

Do you find yourself needing to negotiate a cash settlement with an insurance company? Don't worry, you're not alone. Many people find themselves in this situation after experiencing an accident or loss. In this article we’ll explore the ins and outs of the negotiation process, including how to prepare for it, and some of the things you should consider along the way.

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cash insurance settlement

How to Pay Off a Debt in Collections

If you are struggling with credit card debt that is significant enough that a collections agency is involved, life can be pretty darn stressful. From phone calls and texts to notifications in your mailbox and email, it’s tough to feel like you’ll ever escape this never-ending situation.

Don’t worry: all is not lost. We’ve helped many customers in situations just like yours over the years, and we’ve got some tips to help you resolve that debt and get back on track financially.

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man weighed down by debt

How Long Does It Take to Receive a Structured Settlement?

If you settle a legal claim and will be receiving structured settlement payments is in your future, you may be wondering how long you can expect to wait to receive your first payment. Obviously, waiting times can vary because everyone’s situation is unique. However, understanding the factors that can affect the timeline is a great way to manage your expectations so you can start planning your new financial future

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man with umbrella walking on stones

What are the Legal Risks of Being in Debt?

In many ways, financial stability is a lot like being in good health. It isn’t until we fall out of those categories that we truly appreciate how much simpler life can be without medical or financial challenges.

Health issues often carry complications with them such as daily medicine, strict diets and the stress of monitoring blood pressure, blood sugar levels or any number of other things that many of us never need to think about. Similarly, financial issues like debt lead to plenty of complications that the debt-free world is never faced with – especially when it comes to legal issues.

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legal dominoes about to fall on man

How To Prepare for a Recession

There are lots of terms and phrases that we hear all our lives without every truly knowing exactly what they mean or how they work. Tax write-off. Algorithm. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. However, there’s one word that being discussed an awful lot lately: recession.

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street sign with recovery and recession

What to Look For in a Severance Agreement

Being let go from a job can come as a shock—and the last thing you want to do when you get that bad news is try to understand a complex contract. So what should you do if you’ve been fired or laid off? If your employer gave you a severance agreement, knowing what to look for can help you minimize the stress of losing your job and looking for a new role.

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How to Get Money from a Structured Settlement

If you have a structured settlement, it’s likely that you’ve encountered the frustrating issue of having money that rightfully belongs to you trapped in a future annuity payment. But it’s possible to get a lump sum for your structured settlement payments. If you need money now, not later, then selling might be the best solution for you!

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Woman making a sassy face points to a fan of cash in her other hand

How to Calculate Your Debt-To-Income Ratio

Your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio is a helpful—but often overlooked—tool for measuring your ability to repay your debts successfully. Knowing your DTI can give you insight as to how long it might take you to repay your debts and whether you can afford to take on more debt.

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a woman sits at a table with a laptop, a calculator, and scattered papers

A Guide to Debt Re-Aging

What does it mean when old debt appears with a newer date on your credit report? This guide covers how debt re-aging could be a good thing sometimes and how it might violate the Fair Credit Reporting Act other times.

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A woman sits on a couch looking at a piece of paper and making a confused face

Bankruptcy: A Complete Guide

Bankruptcy seems daunting - so why do so many people choose to file each year? Our helpful guide sheds light on what bankruptcy is, how it works, and why someone might choose to pursue it.

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a pink piggy bank covered in adhesive bandages

A Guide to Combining Your Finances with Your Partner’s

Every couple thinking about cohabitating or getting married needs to have a conversation about finances—and doing a complete survey of your finances together can be a huge deal. Much of the tension in this conversation comes down to how to draw the line between the couple as a solitary unit and the couple as two individuals. If you're considering consolidating your finances with a spouse or cohabitating partner, here are some useful strategies that could help you manage your finances together.

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A couple with thought bubbles around their heads depicting a home, money, a baby, clothes, and an airplane

A Guide to Everything You Want to Know About Credit

Whether you’re just beginning to learn the basics of personal finance or you’ve been managing your money for a while, chances are there's a lot you still have to learn about how credit works. If you’ve ever found yourself scratching your head about anything credit-related, this is the guide for you.

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A man holds a credit card and his phone

How to Cope with Financial Stress

Taking care of your mental health is taking care of your financial health, and vice versa. We've gathered some actionable tips for breaking the seemingly never-ending cycle of financial difficulty and mental health issues.

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Woman at desk looking stressed

What Makes Debt Settlement Worth It?

Debt settlement is a big commitment toward pursuing a healthy financial future - so what are the results that make it worth the effort? We asked real JG Wentworth customers to share some of the major benefits of debt settlement.

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What makes debt settlement worth it?

Selling Your Annuity for Retirement

Everyone cares about their retirement – it’s something people work and plan for their entire lives. And like other potential income sources – such as savings accounts, 401(k)s and Social Security payments, to name just a few – annuities can be an extremely important part of any retirement plan.

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JGW_Annuity worth selling

Recommit to Resolving Your Debt

We've all been there - you started the year with lofty goals to finally get that nagging debt paid off, but somewhere along the way, life happened. Maybe an unexpected expense derailed your debt snowball. Perhaps temptation got the better of you, and you accumulated new balances. Or maybe you simply lost motivation after plateauing on your payoff progress.

Whatever the reason, if your debt resolution has stalled or you've fallen behind on your goals, the most important thing is to avoid getting trapped in a cycle of self-defeat and inaction. This May for "National Recommitment Month," take stock of your situation and map out a revitalized roadmap for jumpstarting your debt freedom plans.

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Recommit to Resolving Your Debt

Can Medical Debt Affect Your Credit Health?

In an ideal world, dealing with a medical emergency or unexpected health crisis would be challenging enough without the added burden of financial strain. Unfortunately, the historical reality is that medical debt could have a significant and long-lasting impact on an individual's credit score and overall financial well-being.

If you're worried about incurring debt during a health crisis or are struggling to deal with bills you already have, you're not alone. Some 100 million people — including 41% of U.S. adults — have health care debt, according to a recent survey by KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). As healthcare costs continue to rise, more and more Americans find themselves saddled with medical bills that exceed their insurance coverage or personal savings.

However, there is some recent good news for anyone that has been struggling with mounting medical debt…

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Medical Debt

Is Debt Consolidation a Good Idea?

Drowning in a sea of credit card bills, personal loans, and mounting interest charges can be an overwhelming and stressful experience. Many individuals in this situation turn to debt consolidation as a potential solution, hoping to simplify their payments and gain better control over their finances. But is debt consolidation a good idea for your specific situation?

Let’s go over the pros and cons of this strategy, helping you determine whether it's the right choice for your unique financial circumstances. First things first…

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man and woman considering debt consoldation

What is Voluntary Life Insurance?

In today's world, having adequate life insurance coverage is crucial for ensuring that your loved ones are financially protected in the event of your untimely demise. While many employers offer basic life insurance as part of their employee benefits package, these policies often provide insufficient coverage. This is where voluntary life insurance comes into play, offering employees an opportunity to supplement their existing coverage with additional protection.

Voluntary life insurance, also known as supplemental life insurance, is a type of life insurance policy that employees can purchase through their employer, typically at group rates. Unlike basic employer-provided life insurance, which is usually limited in coverage and may not be portable if you leave the company, voluntary life insurance allows you to tailor the coverage to your specific needs and maintain the policy even if you change jobs.

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man with paper umbrella protecting family

How Long Does Debt Consolidation Stay on Your Credit Report?

Debt consolidation is a popular financial strategy for individuals looking to simplify debt repayment and potentially reduce interest costs. However, many people wonder how long debt consolidation stays on their credit report and how it affects their creditworthiness. Before committing to debt consolidation, it’s vital to understand how long it stays on your record and the variables that can affect this timeframe for better and for worse.

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Couple looking at credit score after debt consolidation

How To Consolidate Credit Card Debt

It’s no secret that credit card debt in the U.S. has skyrocketed to an all-time record high: $1.13 trillion and counting. In this current financial landscape, high interest rates can quickly lead to a situation where debt becomes an overwhelming vicious circle. Thankfully, there are some methods to manage, and mitigate, this kind of debt. Consolidation is one such effective strategy to deal with this financial burden. 

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debt consolidation notepad

How Much Debt Do You Need to File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

When financial storms brew, individuals may find solace in the legal shelter provided by Chapter 7 bankruptcy. However, the decision to file for Chapter 7 is complex, involving a careful evaluation of one's financial landscape.

Let’s explore the eligibility criteria for Chapter 7, the amount of debt that might warrant its consideration, and examine some of the pros and cons associated with this significant financial decision.

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How Much Debt Do You Need to File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

Can You Go to Jail for Credit Card Debt?

Credit card debt can put a strain on anyone's financial situation. The stress of dealing with mounting bills and relentless collection calls can feel overwhelming. But, can you actually face jail time for falling behind on your credit card payments?

Let's dive into the legal consequences of credit card debt and find out what protections you have as a consumer...

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Can You Go to Jail for Credit Card Debt?

Navigating the Afterlife of Annuities: What Happens When the Annuitant Passes Away?

Annuities are financial instruments designed to provide a steady income stream, often extending through an individual's retirement years. However, the inevitable question arises: What happens to a person's annuity when they pass away? Can they be inherited? What are the tax implications? 

Let’s explore the various scenarios and considerations related to the fate of annuities in the event of the annuitant's death, shedding light on the complexities and offering guidance for those navigating these financial waters…

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bench overlooking atmospheric lake

Six Ways to Save On Your Holiday Spending This Season

It’s that time of year again, and with the holidays fast approaching, the coming weeks can be filled with a combination of excitement and stress for many Americans. After all, the desire to be generous can often be in direct conflict with one’s financial situation. Complicating matters for the 2023 holiday shopping season are rising interest rates and the resumption of student loan payments.

So, what options do budget-conscious holiday consumers have if they don’t want to incur more debt?

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Woman using credit card to make holiday purchases

What Is Full Coverage Auto Insurance and Do You Need It?

For many of us, an automobile is more than a vehicle… it’s a bonafide member of our family.  Whether we take it to and from work every day, drive it far and wide on family vacations or simply use it as a place where we can hop in, crank up the music and escape from everyday stress, our cars can feel like a second home – and equally worthy of protection.

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toy car on a full coverage auto insurance policy

Collection Agency Dispute Letter Template

In today's world, debt collection agencies have become increasingly common. Whether you owe money for medical bills, credit card debt, or even student loans, it's crucial to understand how to handle these situations effectively. One of the most important tools at your disposal is a dispute letter. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to dispute a debt, a dispute letter can be a powerful tool to fight back against unfair or inaccurate claims made by collection agencies. In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of creating a collection agency dispute letter template and offer tips on how to make it as effective as possible.

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Collection Agency Dispute Letter Template

Are Annuities Taxable?

If you're considering investing in annuities or already have one, you might be wondering about their tax implications. Are annuities taxable? Well, the answer is not as straightforward as you might think. In this article, we'll dive into the world of annuities and unravel their tax intricacies.

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woman confused on if annuities are taxable

How to Tell if a Debt Collector Is Legitimate

Struggling with debt is frustrating enough on its own, but that stress only gets worse when debt collectors get involved. The letters, the phone calls, and the emails from companies you’ve never even heard of can seem never-ending, all to demand payment for debts you may not even remember owing. In these cases, you need to figure out if the debt collector is legitimate or if you're being targeted by a scam.

Sounds daunting, doesn’t it? No worries - just keep reading and learn how to protect yourself against con artists with ease.

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computer hacker

Does Debt Relief Hurt Your Credit Score?

A Debt Relief program (like JG Wentworth’s) can be a fantastic way to jumpstart your financial future. By negotiating with your creditors, experienced Certified Debt Specialists can often settle your debts to significantly lower the amount you owe and create a manageable path to resolving your debt once and for all.*

Simpler, quicker and more effective than making partial monthly payment? Seems like the perfect way to leave your debt in the proverbial dust. However, it’s important to understand the potential ramifications of this Debt Relief method in order to truly decide if it’s the best path for you.

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Man and woman looking at credit score report

How Being Single Affects Your Financial Life

If you’re single and financially independent, you’ve probably noticed that our financial system seems to be designed with married couples in mind. Almost inexplicably, there are tons of perks given to people who get married and stay married that single people can’t reap. So where does that leave singles' finances?

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a person puts a coin into a piggy bank

Financial Goals for Every Decade of Your Life

Becoming financially stable doesn’t happen overnight; rather, it’s an intentional process that takes a lot of time and planning to get on track. Setting goals for yourself and sticking to them is a great way to set yourself up for financial well-being throughout your life, from the start of your career through retirement and beyond.

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jars labeled house, car, and travel with money in them and a notebook that says goals

4 Shocking Facts About Gen X's Finances

As they near retirement age, many Gen Xers are looking into their financial future and grappling with the potential of unfavorable outcomes in the face of economic and social instability. Here are four interesting facts about the typical Gen Xer that exemplify the unique financial circumstances Americans born between the mid-’60s and mid-’80s face.

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Gen X couple with a laptop reviewing their bills

What Happens to Your Structured Settlement When You Die?

Planning for death can be a difficult conversation to breach, especially when it comes to personal finance. But if you have a structured settlement, it’s in your loved ones' best interest for you to start planning now. We've broken down some of the things you should think about when deciding what will happen to your structured settlement payments when you pass.

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A couple reviewing their finances

Is Debt Relief Right for You?

If you’re overwhelmed by debt, you might be considering debt relief as a way back on track. We've broken down who qualifies for debt relief and some major factors to think about before jumping in.

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Is debt relief right for you?

Using Structured Settlement Payments to Pay for Home Renovations

You spent a lot of time looking at places before you made the decision to buy your home. For you, it might’ve been the best choice, but that doesn’t mean that everything about the property is perfect. Chances are you had ideas on how you could improve your home from the first month you moved in, if not before.

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